Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Juicy Gossip

Now, to fill you in on all the juicy gossip at Gallagher Academy.


I was talking to Cammie, who is always down to talk to a Gallagher student. So we were walking and we saw Mr. Solomon, Grant, Jonas (The two Blackthorne Alumni who brought the boys) and Zack sitting together. Just then Alec (be still mine heart) walked by and Grant called him over. I heard Cammie comment to Liz (who we were talking to) "It looks like the 'I Had A Crush On A Gallagher Girl' Club"

And I thought she was talking about me and Alec, but then I saw Liz's face. She was blushing really REALLY hard. Then I remembered something from the books. How Liz and some guy (I think it was Jonas....Sorry. It's been awhile) liked each other.

Might I just say "Oh My Bloody Gosh"

Liz has a crush on Jonas?! Jonas had a crush on her? Shall old flames be rekindled? Ah!

While were on the topic of Gallagher/Blackthorne couples....

Tansy and Lance are SOOO cute together. I don't spend a lot of time with seniors, but obviously I see them at meal times and such. Plus I have advanced blade class with Tansy's group. I already knew the blade basics when I came, thanks to Mom.

Also, I ride to the airport with them. I'm trying to get my pilot's licence, so when the seniors go to practice jumping out of airplanes and stuff, I ride along.

Seniors spend the most time skydiving (They have to practice landing. That is the tricky part) and last time they went up, they had room for one more person in the plane (One of the girls was sick)

So I got to watch Tansy and Lance skydive together. They are so bloody cute. On the way up, Lance said "I've never kissed anyone when skydiving" and Tansy said "LETS!"

Since they jumped out before me, I had to (got to) watch them kiss....while flying through the air.

They are so cute.


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