Thursday, October 27, 2016

Short post about my roomies

Life has been crazy here. It always its. Headmistress Morgan officially ok'd by blog, just so you know, before I even started and I can now post from the Gallagher School.
I have a couple papers to write and I really should be doing that instead. But I decided to take a brake and write a tiny bit about my roomies.
Lily is shorter then me, and loves anything to do with computers or gadgets. She loves braking codes and passwords. If she doesn't make it in life as a spy or scientist, then I think she might become a computer hacker. Sorry.Did I say BECOME a computer hacker? I meant become the most notorious computer hacker the world has ever seen!   She also loves putting together disguises, complete with pocket litter.  She is a sophomore and on the research and development track.
Jess is a sophomore too, but she is an the cov-ops study course with me. Jess is awesome at languages. Not only can she learn a language creepily fast, but she almost always gets the accent right and can mimic anyone's voice after hearing it once.

I guess I should say a little about myself as well. I love martial arts, locking picking and wilderness survival.  I am also a big fan of Melinda May, Natasha Romaoff, Bex Baxter, and Oliver Queen.


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