Tuesday, October 18, 2016

DIY Manicure/Pedicure

Since it was Gallagher Girls giving each other pedicures that first figured out finger prints, I figured they wouldn't mind if I blog about manicure.
That's right.

DIY Mani -Pedi

Step 1: Clean everything.
Take off the old polish. Trim and file your nails, and then, if you want, buff your nails.

 Step 2: Soak
Soak hands 2-3 minutes and feet 4-5. It's best (long term) to use sugar scrub on your feet and hands because they tend to rip up your skin less. You can make your own with one tablespoon sugar and tablespoon baby oil.

Step 3: Cuticles. Soften them with oil. By now, they should be soft from the oil and the soaking, so go ahead and push them gently back.

Step 4: Moisten! Rub on that moisturizer. Before moving on, be sure to swipe your nail beds with nail polish remover! This is VERY important. If you  want your nails to last the week, with all the P&A classes and crazy science experiments you have to have super clean nails.
Step 5: Base coat. Also important. Do not forget.
Step 6: POLISH TIME! Pick your favorite color and paint away. To be professional, paint a swipe down the middle and then down the sides.

Step 7: Stop, relax and DON"T TOUCH ANYTHING! Just sit back and watch Black Widow kick butt. Or Buffy kick butt. Or Oliver Queen kick butt.

Or what ever you like to watch


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