Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Lily and Pitt

A lot of the Guy-Girl pairings (as guides I mean) have really hit it off (Me and Alex, Jess and David, Tansy and Lance, etc)

But not all.

I'm talking about Lily and Pitt.

Pitt is king of cute, I guess. But he is also really annoying and arrogant. Or at least that's what Lily says. Also that he's a show off, brags, etc.

Ummmm. He IS a teenage boy...

Besides Lily is kind of a wild and free type of girl. She doesn't have time for "that crap"
She needs her musicals, her cover designs, her TV shows and music.

And he wont leave her alone. She is pretty sure he has a crush on her and she is trying to devise ways to "bump him off"

NOT LITERALLY! (Though she totally could)

I mean to "lose" him

(MOST do not involve losing him. That one that involves sticking unconscious him on a plane to Arizona. Or the one that involves leaving him in the woods....locking him in a closet.... Ok. Some of them involve losing him somewhere.)

(She is plotting on the other side of our bedroom right now.)


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