Monday, September 19, 2016

Where Are They Now? Abby and Townsend

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Abby is your cov-ops teacher?

That's right. Mainly for this semester. She is on maternity leave (yes you read that right)  and she volunteered to teach for the fall semester. Just until Mr. Joe Solomon is back. (from his awesome undercover mission)

Townsend, mean while, is working with a CIA/MI6 group and Abby and Townsend are currently living nearby.

By nearby, I mean at Gallagher Academy.

Townsend keeps mumbling something about "apples" and "getting away from these girls", (what ever that means) and is looking to buy or at least rent a house.

But hey, at least someone can watch his corgis while he and Abby are away.

Gallagher Girls-Agent Townsend quotes.Townsend Quotes, Girls 3, Girls ...


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